Crafters Crossroads - Other Artisans and More

At the time this webpage is being built the world has gone rather weird. We have a global pandemic going on (Covid-19), the USA has some pretty contentious political messes to clean up (if they can and NO we will not answer any email of a political nature) and more. So this page is our attempt to help people focus on something a little more fun. Listed below, in rather broad categories, are some other crafters that we felt were worth telling you about. If you wish to be added to this list then simply email us.

The rules are simple:

1) No retailers. Actual artisans and crafters only

2) We would appreciate you linking back to us on your page! (Technically not a rule - semantics are fun)


Authors (a.k.a. Word-Smiths)

Brena Bock -

Sarah A. Hoyt -

Laura Montgomery -

Stephanie Osborn -

JF Posthumus -

KC Seville - - Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Alt. History/Horror and more!


Food-Smithing - (epic meal prep - Collin, Dentin, and Dallas counties Texas) Jessy Sommer - 


Photography  -

Doug Haft -


Stuffies and other cuddly things

Sarah A Hoyt  - COMING SOON!


Bladesmiths - 

Benjamin Olsen -


And More (artisans that are either VERY diverse or are VERY unique) - 

Brena Bock - COMING SOON!