What we are good at... and a contest!

Let's be honest. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. We could make lists upon lists, but suffice it to say that blog posts are not in the strength category for anyone here at ATH Lotions. That doesn't mean we are the strong and silent types though. Far, far, far, from it! If you wander over to our Facebook page @athlotions or over to our Instagram page #atouchofhealinglotions then you will find we are a chatty bunch. There are contests, product highlights and more. We hope to see you over there soon. We promise to keep posting here too.

Speaking of product highlights; we did a little contest recently and there is a new product on the way! CBD infused bath bombs! Anyone who likes and shares (and tells us that you did so) on that promotion is entered into a contest for free product. Anyone who orders something in the month of February will also get at least 1 free bath bomb (taxes and shipping are on us for that!)

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